The importance of early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer


norththis World Cancer Day PAncreas, marked today, the 19 November, a Europacolon joins once again the global awareness campaign on one of the deadliest tumors.

This year, the campaign with the slogan ‘Ya es hora’ (Ya es hora) aims to promote detection disease from the beginning, and publicize the factors risk and symptoms. This is because it is “time” to decrease the mortality rates associated with this cancer.

According to data from Globocan 2018, around the world, 460 thousand cases of pan cancer are diagnosed each yearncreas, 130,000 in Europe and 1,619 in Portugal. The incidence has increased by 23% in the last six years and is expected to continue growing. Every year in our country the cancer of breadncreas kills 1,594 people, a number expected to be even higher this year due to the Current pandemic from COVID-19-19, which led to the suspension of primary care, diagnoses and treatments.

“Bread Cancerncreas is the malignant tumor of the digestive system with the worst prognosis, being nowadays the third leading cause of cancer death in Europe. The survival of this type of tumor is the lowest. Only 2% to 8% of patients after five years survival. Survival is highly dependent on stadium disease at the time of diagnosis. Since, if the diagnosis is early and there may be a surgical intervention to remove the tumor, the survival increases a lot. We know patients with more than 12 years of life with the disease, due to a timely diagnosis “, says Vítor Neves, president of Europacolon Portugal – Association for the Support of Patients with Digestive Cancer.

Lack of information on factors risk and symptoms are the main reason for late diagnosis.

“It is time to change this reality and that is exactly what we try to do every day and again in the âscope World cancer dayncreas, joining the campaign of the World Coalition against Pancreatic Cancer, whose motto this year is ‘It was about time’ “, he adds.

nowadays there is no bread cancer screening testncreas, then the key to a detection early is to meet the factors risk factors and symptoms, which are nonspecific and often undervalued by patients and health professionals. More research is needed to develop an effective method of detection, specifically through the evaluation of biomarkers from this disease with such a high mortality rate. ”

For this very reason, ‘it’s time’ for everyone to know the symptoms. The most common symptoms of the disease include back pain, unexplained weight loss, jaundice, persistent abdominal pain, nausea, among others. Anyone with one or more symptoms, persistent, should see a doctor immediately.

In addition, ‘it is time’ that we know the risks associated with this disease. Although the cause of the disease is unknown, factors with smoking, overweight, family history of breast cancerncreas me pancreatitis chronic increase the risk of developing aa pathology.

And ‘it’s time’ to change survival rates. More care, awareness, and progress are needed to help patients survive this disease. Diagnosed patients timely and those who are eligible for surgery have a longer survival.

Notscope this campaign for Europacolon will be launched on your page Facebook various videos on pancreatic cancerncreas, your symptoms and factors risk, diagnosis, treatment, research on this disease, among other topics. The videos will have the participation of health professionals, members of the Europacolon Portugal, patients and caregivers.

A Europacolon encourages the entire population to share this information and learn more about bread cancerncreas. #ThisNaHora and the hashtag that they can use on social media to support this cause.

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