“The idea is not to compromise the Christmas spirit”: Marcelo speaks as an exception in the measures of the State of Emergency for Christmas – Society


The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, decreed this Friday the renewal of the state of emergency in Portugal.

“The pressure on hospitalizations and the ICU is worrying,” said Marcelo. “The new State of Emergency ends on 23”, he confirmed. “The idea is not to compromise the Christmas spirit,” continued Marcelo, regarding the exception in the measures of the State of Emergency for Christmas.

The President of the Republic decreed this Friday the renewal of the state of emergency in Portugal for another 15 days, until 11:59 p.m. on December 23, to allow measures to contain the covid-19 epidemic.

According to the Constitution, this legal framework that allows the suspension of the exercise of some rights, freedoms and guarantees, cannot last more than 15 days, without prejudice to renewals with the same term.

To decree, the President of the Republic must listen to the Government, which issued a favorable opinion on Thursday, and must have the authorization of the Assembly of the Republic, which was given today, with votes in favor of the PS and PSD, abstentions of the BE, CDS-PP and PAN and votes against by PCP, ENP, Enough and Liberal Initiative.

In this communication to the country, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa considered that “the pressure on hospitalizations and intensive care, as well as the high number of deaths, continues to be worrying at this time, despite registering” a new drop in the transmission rate virus and signs. clearly positive slowdown in the average number of cases ”.

According to the head of state, “the number of infections allows us to foresee that the attention to the effort demanded of health structures throughout the month of December cannot decrease,” although it is understood that “the second peak” of covid-19 in Portugal “It has been irreversibly overcome.”

This is the sixth decree on the state of emergency of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa at this juncture of the covid-19 pandemic. This legal framework was in effect for 45 days between March 19 and May 2, and was declared again after six months, being in force since November 9.

The decree of the Head of State determines the partial suspension of the exercise of, among others, the rights to freedom and movement, to allow restrictions “in municipalities with higher levels of risk”, which can be grouped into levels “, including the prohibition of circulation on public roads during certain periods of the day or certain days of the week “.

Remember that this afternoon, the Parliament approves the renewal of the state of emergency until December 23, since proposed by the President of the Republic during this Thursday night.

A new renewal, until January 7, must be discussed by the Assembly of the Republic within the next two weeks after the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, announced a new renewal from December 23 to December 7. January 2021 in order to cover Christmas and New Years.

Government defends that the new state of emergency allows stability and predictability
The Government considered this Friday that the presidential decree of State of Emergency (EE) confers a horizon of stability and predictability in normative matters until January 7 and defended the results of the measures adopted so far. These positions were transmitted by the Minister of Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita, moments before the parliament approved the second extension of the state of emergency, until December 23.

In his speech, Eduardo Cabrita affirmed that this renewal of the EE is carried out “within a framework of stability and predictability”.

“It is true that the declaration of the state of emergency, in the terms of the law, will only be valid for 15 days”, until December 23, “but the decree of the President of the Republic establishes a commitment to stability, with you intend to extend it until January 07, which covers the Christmas and New Year period. In this way, the Government can take the appropriate and balanced measures that signal the continuation of this collective effort, “said the executive member.
