The government will not prohibit traffic between municipalities on December 24 and 25 – Observer


The Government will not apply restrictions on movement between municipalities in eve and christmas, allowing travel during the holiday season. At least on December 24 and 25 it will be possible to circulate without the limits imposed up to now on specific dates, as happened with the two December long weekends. This is one of the measures that the Executive of António Costa has on the table and that he will discuss in the Council of Ministers this Friday where he will outline the plan for next month. The announcement and explanation of the measures will take place on Saturday.

That António Costa was going to continue with the plan of measures for Christmas was already known since the Prime Minister revealed it, in the interview with the Observer on Tuesday, but what has not yet been resolved was whether the intention of the Executive was lift some of the restrictions on Christmas. As the Observer learned from the Government, this is what is being planned. But although the idea is not to prevent families from meeting this holiday season, the Executive will also promote educational action among the population.

The goal is to have some public health experts on televisions, for example, explaining how to spend Christmas safely with your family. In the interview with the Observer, the Prime Minister had already mentioned this, saying that “specialists were asked to help families understand the logic of virus transmission in order to avoid virus transmission as far as possible” . This awareness-raising action implies promoting meetings but outside of meals, since at these times there is not only closer and prolonged contact, but masks are not used.

In addition to this, there is another concern that by circulation between households And, in this matter, the prime minister has already warned that “one must be aware” that a family that is divided by several houses during the two days increases the risk of transmission, since more people get in contact, even in an indirect.

One thing is already certain, the intention of the Government does not imply reinforcing surveillance by the security forces of the rules that are established for the Christmas period and there will be no fines associated with violations of the established rules, according to what the Observer determines with the Executive.

António Costa prepares himself for a surgical relaxation of some Christmas rules, as other European leaders are doing, although I already said that New Year’s Eve “will have all the restrictions because there cannot be any kind of tolerance there. The limitation of circulation may not be at 11 at night and it may be at 1 in the morning, but from here we will not pass and surely there will be no end of the year parties. That certainly won’t happen, ”he said in Tuesday’s interview.

In Europe There are already some countries with defined rules for the Christmas period, in addition this Wednesday the European Commission recommended “Clear criteria” Member States in their plans for the Christmas season, advocating that they even set a maximum number of people per “National bubbles”. The Belgian Government, for example, announced this Wednesday that it will allow the meeting of four people to celebrate Christmas, but only for those who have an outdoor space. In Italy, travel between municipalities will remain restricted on December 25, 26 and 31. In Spain, the Government will also study limitations on circulation between the autonomous communities from December 23 to January 6, Three Kings Day, but allowing trips where Christmas is usually spent.
