The government will compensate the Ukrainian family who lost their lives at the SEF facilities


The decision was announced in the Council of Ministers this Thursday by the Minister of Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita. The amount of compensation will be defined by the Ombudsman.

“Today is International Human Rights Day. Portugal is a world reference in the way in which the intransigent defense of Human Rights is a priority for the action of the State and its organs ”, he began referring to the minister.

“So, What happened on March 12 at the state facilities of Lisbon airport and which caused the death of the Ukrainian citizen Ihor Homenyuk is absolutely unacceptable.”, He defended. “It is something that is in total contradiction with the norms of respect for Human Rights that Portugal adopts and that its security forces and services have a strict obligation to respect.”

For this reason, the Council of Ministers determined the power before the Ombudsman’s Office “to establish the necessary contacts for the fix compensation to the victim’s family before the trial begins scheduled to begin next year and that will determine the criminal responsibility of the intervening parties ”.

The Minister of Internal Administration also said at a press conference that he had already assured the Ukrainian ambassador in Portugal, “in the first days of April”, the “institutional commitment of the Portuguese State in relation to the full determination of the whole truth, all the circumstances and Adoption of the necessary measures so that something similar is never repeated.”.

“This compensation that the Council of Ministers has decided today is one more step, part of the good tradition of the Portuguese State: the tradition of what we followed in 1996, when a citizen was assassinated in the facilities of the Republican National Guard; what we did in 2000 with the victims of the Entre-Os-Rios accident; or what has been done more recently with the victims of the rural fires of 2017 ”.

Eduardo Cabrita also considered that the director of the Immigration and Borders Service did well to resign, justifying that the Government could not have done so without criminal or disciplinary responsibility.

“The report of the Inspector General of Internal Administration names 12 people, it did not do so, but I think that you, the national director, did well to understand that you should stop“said the minister.

The Government’s decision was reiterated by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, alleging that the citizen died while in state custody and in public facilities.

“With the participation of three inspectors accused of committing a crime of aggravated homicide and a crime of possession of a prohibited weapon, the Government assumes the responsibility of paying compensation to the widow and two minor children”Stated Mariana Vieira da Silva.

The decision comes the day that Parliament’s Interior Minister decided to listen next week in the context of this case and one day after the news of Cristina Gatões’s resignation from the SEF board.

The Ukrainian citizen was killed on March 12 at the facilities of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) at Lisbon airport. The death of Ihor Homenyuk led to the prosecution of three inspectors of that service for aggravated murder, whose trial will begin next year.
