The government wants to limit Christmas gatherings to 6 people if they don’t live in the same house – Executive Digest


In Portugal, Christmas celebrations must have a limited number of people, advances the ‘Correio da Manhã’ (CM), which says that this is one of the measures that the Government is preparing for this time of year, due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus.

According to the same publication, this limitation may be similar to the one currently applied in restaurants, that is, a maximum of six people per table, unless they make art from the same home.

In addition, “strong restrictions” may be applied to the movement of people in the streets, at least in municipalities where the pandemic situation is more severe (900 cases per 100,000 inhabitants) and, therefore, they are classified by the Government as “extremely high” risk, reveals the “CM”.

The objective of both rules is to try as much as possible to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus, in order to increase the chances that in January the country will be able to prevent infections from restarting, in which some have already classified as a possible third wave of the virus. pandemic.

The CM also added that the decision on what restrictions to apply to the holidays will be made next Thursday, after the meeting with public health specialists from Infarmed, in which the situation of the epidemic in Portugal will be discussed. Also after the meeting, action will be taken on a possible renewal of the state of emergency, between December 9 and 23, with the expectation that the final verdict will be issued later this week.
