The government suspends the 2021 edition of the National Defense Day until the end of February



The Ministry of Defense announced today that it has preventedly suspended the start of the 17th edition of the National Defense Day until at least February 28.

In a statement, the Ministry justified the suspension with “the evolution of the covid-19 pandemic and the known projections for the beginning of the year.”

The National Defense Day includes days of activities and information for citizens over 18 years of age about the Armed Forces throughout the country.

The resumption of the National Defense Day was initially scheduled for next Thursday, in five dissemination centers: in the Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment No. 1 (Queluz), in the Lisbon Naval Base (Almada), in the Transport Regiment ( Lisboa), the Transmission Regiment (Porto) and the No. 6 Cavalry Regiment (Braga).

“For the XVII edition of the National Defense Day, it is expected to summon 113,278 young citizens born in 2002 throughout the year and 30,641 still covered by the suspension that occurred during 2020,” the statement said.

Last year, the Government canceled the 16th edition of this initiative, also due to the epidemiological situation.

National Defense Day takes place on different dates depending on the counties and military facilities closest to the three branches: Army, Navy, and Air Force.

Portugal represents at least 6,972 deaths associated with covid-19 in 420,629 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

The state of emergency enacted on November 9 to combat the pandemic is in effect until January 7, with mandatory curfews in counties with the highest risk of contagion.
