“The government should have already declared a state of calamity”


northIn his usual space in Jornal da Noite da SIC, on Sunday, Luís Marques Mendes commented on the return to face-to-face classes -which takes place this week- stating that it is important and that we must “fight panic and fear.”

“We are going to have several difficult situations, we have to trust above all the teachers, obviously the parents and directors who, more than ever, are the true heroes in schools ”, he warned.

The return of students to schools also includes the full return of parents to the workplace, which generates, “more than fear, concern.” “The situation is not out of control in terms of pandemic, but it’s very close to that. The situation is very worrying … even today, almost 700 new cases “, noted the commenter, referring to the fact that Portugal was worse than the European Union average ”.

He was asked if the measures enacted by the Government, which come into force as of September – They are enough, Marques Mendes assumed that, in his opinion, they are not. “I have almost always supported the government’s decisions here, but in this case I would say that the measures are insufficient,” he said, listing three examples that support his opinion.

“First, the Government declared a state of contingency, I think it should have already declared a state of calamity. We have numbers that we had in the old state of calamity. Second example, mandatory or non-mandatory masks on the street, I must say that I think there was nothing to lose and much to gain by saying ‘masks become mandatory on the street whenever there are meetings’. In addition, mayors must have powertimes. Third, we just talked about schools, it is not planned, the Address-General Health did not plan for this, but I think it gave confidence to parents, to society, to say that at the beginning of the year academic, offers a tests general for teachers and staff “, he pointed.

The presidential elections and the first “three consequences” of the candidacy of Ana Gomes

Another issue discussed by the former Social Democratic leader was that of the candidates – already announced – for the 2021 presidential elections. Asked if the candidacy of the socialist Ana Gomes bothers António Costa, he does not hesitate to say yes.

“I think this is the first consequence of the candidacy of Ana Gomes, it irritates António Costa. And because? Because the political relationship between them has been bad for a long time. And then, because the older supporters Ana Gomes are those who do not like or are opponents of António Costa within the PS. I think the PS will give freedom to vote ”, he began by saying.

A second consequence, continued, is on the left. “There are three candidates from the left: Marisa Matias, Ana Gomes and João Ferreira. I think there are three strong candidates, each in their own way. But I think that Marisa Matias could be the biggest victim, because Ana Gomes penetrates very well in the Bloc electorate ”.

Finally, the third consequence is for André Ventura, “of whom the hypothesis of being in second place and wanted bipolarize with Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa “. Before the candidates CurrentMarques Mendes considers that this strategy may now be a bit dangerous, “because on the left there will be a great force, to concentrate votes on Ana Gomes, so that she stays ahead of André Ventura.”

Basically, “there are three elections in one: an election for the president of the Republic, which only one can win, Marcelo, an election to find out who is in third place, and a third to find out who is in front of the left.”

The support of António Costa to Luís Filipe Vieira? “I think you will regret it faster than you think”

On the fact that António Costa is on the honor committee of reapplication Luís Filipe Vieira to the presidency of Benfica, the former Social Democratic leader he considers that “he made a mistake and that he will regret it faster than he thinks.”

“If António Costa were not prime minister and supported Vieira or another candidate there would be no criticism or censorship. Now, the problem is having a job, because in these matters the person is confused with work. That is why I believe that someone who is a deputy, president of the ChambertimesYou, minister and especially prime minister, cannot do such a thing. It is a paddle error, “he continued, referring that There are two reasons why the General Secretary of the Socialist Party did this. “It was a mix of throwancia and impunity. It is about saying that there was no need ”, he concluded.

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