The government removes the car inspection badge and the green color of the insurance badge



The elimination of the green color from the car insurance label, which the law requires to be placed on the car glass, was published today in the Diário da República, in an ordinance that also eliminates the labels that certify the mandatory periodic inspections.

Almost 20 years ago, since 1995, the mandatory motor vehicle liability insurance label, issued by insurers and given to the policyholder together with the international insurance certificate (green card), must be green and in accordance with a certain model.

The model remains, but the badge, which is in the form of a sticker, no longer has a color requirement, after the Portuguese National Insurance Service (the Portuguese Green Card office) has authorized it, as of 1 of July. In the past, insurance companies issued the International Certificate of Auto Liability Insurance on white paper, prompting the publication today of the ordinance eliminating the color requirement.

In the same diploma, the executive explains that, for the first time, it will not regulate the characteristics related to the badges that accredit the certification of the performance of mandatory periodic inspections, since the legal norm that established its mandatory nature was repealed, in 2012, with the changes. the vehicle technical inspection regime, becoming the vehicle inspection form that serves as evidence.

The Government, in the decree, explains that the reason for changing the color of the paper on which the International Automobile Insurance Certificate is printed is to simplify the processes, and the document can now be sent by email (e-mail ) in black and white. , and be printed by the insured, which will allow to avoid situations of loss of the green card at the post office or delay in its delivery.
