The government reinforces bonuses and encourages early retirement of public officials


The Government wants to rejuvenate the Public Function and for this it goes back to the idea of ​​the pre-reform that should have advanced this year, but which was left in the drawer for negotiation with the unions representing the State.

In the Great Options of the 2021-2013 Plan (GOP) this is expected to happen, in the services where it may occur.

“The Government will implement active early retirement policies in the sectors and functions that justify it, contributing to the rejuvenation of personnel and workforce maps,” reads the document that JN / Dinheiro Vivo had access to. In other words, this regime will not be open to all State workers, with the Education area at the forefront, taking into account the aging of the teaching staff.

Approximately a third of the civil servants are over 55 years old and the teaching class, from the first cycles to Secondary Education, is one of those with the highest rates of aging. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) indicated, in a report last year, that “Portugal will have to replace one in two teachers in the next decade.”

Youth and awards

The objective is to rejuvenate the workforce, not only by promoting early retirements with staff renewal, but also with salaries commensurate with training and qualification.

“The Government will contribute to the rejuvenation of the Public Administration, through professional careers with a future, alteration of the policy of low wages, replacement of the annual salary update and, valuation of the remuneration of workers according to their qualifications and recognition of the merit “, refers to the document that followed for consultation with the social partners.

The Executive also intends to attract the most qualified and give or reinforce monetary incentives for the best ideas of innovation in service management and worker training. “It is a system of incentives for innovation in public management that operates in three domains: valuation of human resources, improvement of work environments and development of management models and includes three types of incentives: training, experimentation and recognition (to through the attribution of monetary prizes in each one of the domains) ”, refer the GOP.

The Government also intends to “conclude the review of unrevised careers, harmonize regimes, guarantee equity and sustainability, ensuring professional careers based on the merits of the workers.”

With the controversy underway, the Government intends “to include the study of the Constitution at all levels of education, with an ever-increasing degree of depth” and to institute the “national day of citizenship”, refer the Republican Party. Yesterday, “Expresso” reported that the Public Ministry is investigating the case of the Famalicão family who alleged conscientious objection to prevent their two children from attending citizenship classes.

Unique number

The Government intends to create a single “short and easily memorable” telephone number to refer citizens to the services of the Public Administration and to serve as a channel to provide the most requested services.

New Citizen stores

Open Citizen shops or multi-service counters in all municipalities, setting the minimum standard of accessible public services in all municipalities is another objective.

But automotive

The Government intends to invest in the acquisition of 129 new electric wagons for all categories of passenger rail service. In 2021, works will be carried out on 600 kilometers of railroad.
