The government backs down and admits fairs and markets in the highest risk counties


The Government is admitting the possibility of allowing the holding of fairs and markets in the municipalities with the highest risk, provided that the local authorities of each place confirm that security conditions exist and authorize it, informs TSF. This hypothesis is put on the table after the Council of Ministers determined, on Saturday, to prohibit these events in the 121 municipalities with the highest risk of contagion from the new coronavirus.

“The prohibition of the holding of fairs and market surveys is determined, allowing religious ceremonies and shows in accordance with the regulations of the General Directorate of Health,” the statement from the Council of Ministers reads.

Unhappy with this decision, the National Federation of Fairkeepers Associations had already promised protests in Lisbon until the government withdrew and banned the fairs. The president of the federation, Joaquim Santos, told TSF over the weekend that he was going to request urgent hearings from the president of the Republic and the prime minister because this ban compromised the survival of the marketers.
