The Government advances with new measures to support companies


We are at the end of a very long and difficult year for companies ”. The phrase is from Pedro Siza Vieira, Minister of Economy, who this Thursday publicly presented a new support package for companies. And he justified it: “it is time to renew support so that companies can get ahead in the coming months.”

The Government thus advances with measures in five areas of intervention, for a total of 7,200 million euros, which will be implemented in the first half of next year. Of this total, 1.4 billion euros will be non-refundable aid, said the minister.

The first of these areas of intervention is employment support. In this context, and as was already known, the Support for the Progressive Resumption will be extended until the end of the first semester of 2021, with the guarantee of the payment of wages to the workers at 100% (up to the limit of three minimum wages), without hence an additional effort for the results of the companies.

In addition, the minister announced this Thursday that this support will be extended to the managing partners of companies with dependent workers and with social contributions made in the company. Still in support of employment, for microenterprises with a drop in sales of more than 25%, the Government renews the Incentive for the Normalization of Activity. That is, these companies will be able to choose between supporting the progressive recovery or receiving two minimum wages per worker (paid in two installments in the first half of 2021). The counterpart is the prohibition of collective redundancies and the extinction of jobs within two months after the end of the aid. has already received 35,800 requests

In the second second axis of intervention, the Government will expand the program. This program provides for the granting of non-reimbursable subsidies to companies for an amount corresponding to 20% of the billing break recorded in the first nine months of 2020 compared to the same period. Siza Vieira said that more than 35,800 applications have already been received, which corresponds to a support of 339 million euros.

Until now, this program was aimed only at micro and small businesses. But the Executive will extend it to medium-sized companies and individual entrepreneurs without organized accounting starting in January. Support will have a limit of 100,000 euros per company in the first case and 3,000 euros per company in the second. It is also possible to approve applications from companies with debts with the Tax Authority or Social Security, subject to the regularization commitment.

The third axis is support for the payment of non-residential rents, which provides non-refundable subsidies up to a limit of 50% of the rent. In tax matters (fourth axis), the deferral of quarterly and monthly VAT is also planned in the first half of 2021. Companies can pay in three or six installments, without interest. In the case of quarterly VAT, all companies covered by this regime are eligible. In the case of monthly VAT, the measure is aimed at companies with an annual turnover drop of more than 25%. Executions by the Tax and Social Security Authority are also suspended during the first quarter.

The fifth axis is the financing of companies. As foreseen in the State Budget for next year, a treasury fund for micro and small companies will be set up, amounting to 750 million euros. The loan is due for up to five years and will have a grace period of 18 months. As for credit lines, the one for export activities will be extended to companies in the Tourism sector and has a total amount of € 1,050 million, € 300 million more than initially planned. Each company may receive four thousand euros per job, 20% of the credit can be converted into a non-refundable subsidy if they keep their job.
