The German Constitutional Court already has an answer from the EU Court on the purchase of debt from the ECB


On Friday, the Court of Justice of the European Union ended the controversy raised by the ruling of the German Constitutional Court, which questioned the ECB’s debt purchase program.

In a one-paragraph response, the EU Supreme Court clarifies that it is “responsible for ensuring the uniform application of Union law” and therefore has “exclusive jurisdiction to declare that an act of an EU institution Union is contrary to Union law. “

The case dates back to 2017, when Germany’s constitutional court raised questions about the ECB’s debt purchase program launched in 2015 by Mario Draghi. At that time, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled in favor of the program created by the ECB, which made it possible to face the financial crisis with the purchase of sovereign debt.

On Tuesday, the German court required the ECB to demonstrate, within three months, that the economic and budgetary impact assessment and monetary policy objectives are in accordance with the principle of proportionality and respect the law. European and German.

In the response issued this Friday, the EU’s supreme court declares that “in general, it must be remembered that, according to the established jurisprudence of the Court of Justice, a decision issued by this Court for a preliminary decision is binding on the national judge with respect to the settlement of the dispute in the main proceedings “.

“Differences between the courts of the Member States regarding the validity of such acts could undermine the unity of the Union legal order and undermine legal certainty,” he adds.
