The funeral of Portugal generates a new focus of the virus in France


The funeral of a 51-year-old Portuguese in the French Dordogne region has led to the identification of at least six new cases of covid-19 in the region and more than 100 tests to be carried out, it was announced today.

“I heard it happened, but I don’t know the family well. […] I know that about 60 people were evaluated, “João Carlos Sousa, president of the Portuguese association Lusitanos 24, told Lusa. based in Marsac sur L’Isle, Dordogne.

The new approach was confirmed this Friday by the municipality of Dordogne and, according to the regional newspaper “SudOuest”, 103 people have already been evaluated, with at least six cases confirmed so far. Health authorities are still awaiting the results of some 60 tests.

According to the newspaper, the possible large-scale contagion was due to the fact that at the funeral in the small town of Église-Neuve-de-Vergt, more than 20 people authorized in this type of celebration were present during the pandemic. An idea reinforced by community reports.

“It is not understood that the person who organized the funeral allowed so many people to enter, because the limit for a funeral is 20 people. And, it is said, it was much more than that,” said João Carlos Sousa.

People arrived from Switzerland and Portugal

The associative leader said that not only people from the region, but also from Switzerland and even Portugal, were present at the funeral.
