The four words that the Pope “does not want to hear in a moment of pandemic”


A The abolition of the debt of the poorest countries and the “courage” of a “global ceasefire” with the cessation of the manufacture of weapons were the two main requests of Pope Francis in the traditional Easter message, given this Sunday, in the Basilica of Saint Basil Peter in Rome

For a world “oppressed by pandemic, who is overwhelming our great family “, the Head of the Catholic Church asked Europe” especially “not to succumb to the” demon of the divisions of the past “, also leaving a list of Actions That should not be practiced at this time.

“Indifference, selfishness, division, forgetfulness are not really the words we want to hear right now. We want to banishthe, today more than ever. “Aid that must also translate into debt relief for the poorest.

“In consideration of circumstancetonces International sanctions that prevent countries from not providing adequate support to their citizens must also be overlooked. In this way, all States must strive to meet the main needs of the moment, reducing, if not even, forgiving the debt that weighs on the budgets of the poorest, “said the Supreme Pontiff, in statements reproduced by the newspaper La Stampa.

See now the Easter ceremony, given by the Pope, this Sunday, in St. Peter’s Basilica, in images. Scroll to Photo gallery, clicking in the image above.

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