The flexible schedules in Lisbon and Porto will last six months and can be changed every week – O Jornal Económico


The flexible hours for companies with more than 50 workers in Greater Lisbon and Greater Porto will last six months.

“Private sector companies must implement the delay in the entry and exit times of workers in the workplace, in order to avoid meetings of people in the course of carrying out work on site, with a view to diluting crowds or meetings of people at high-end companies hours ”, according to the government decree-law.

The statute establishes that “the change of work schedule must remain stable for minimum periods of one week, and the employer cannot make more than one change per week.”

Despite the change in working hours, the law establishes that the “maximum limits of the normal daily and weekly work period cannot be modified, nor can the work mode change from day to night or vice versa.”

“It is established that, in companies with workplaces of 50 or more workers located in the territory defined by the Government, by resolution of the Council of Ministers, depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation, the employer must organize the Hours of entry and exit from workplaces. By guiding this measure by a parameter of proportionality, it is established that the lags last from thirty minutes to an hour ”, according to the diploma.

In order to guarantee physical distance and the protection of workers’ health, the “this diploma establishes that the employer must establish stable teams so that contact between workers occurs only between workers of the same team. In order to reduce contagion, recourse to teleworking is also privileged, as long as the nature of the activity allows it ”.

Until March 2021, the employer has the “power to change the working day up to the maximum limit of one hour, unless said change causes serious injuries to the worker, favoring, however, the stability of the hours provided that the employer does not more than one change can be made per week and that the change of working hours cannot exceed the maximum limits of the normal work period or change of work mode ”.

The diploma establishes that pregnant women, women who have recently given birth or while breastfeeding, the minor worker, the worker with reduced work capacity, with disability or chronic illness, and workers under 12 years of age are dependent on these changes or, regardless of age, disabled or chronically ill).

In the field of temporary work and the provision of services, it is established that the obligations of institution of the delay and change of schedules are the responsibility of the user company or the final beneficiary of the services provided.

The Working Conditions Authority (ACT) has the power to oversee these transition changes.
