The first case in Sabugal brings the number of Covid-19 infected in the region to 225


An infected person in the municipality of Sabugal increased to 225 cases of patients with Covid-19 in the area of ​​the Local Health Unit (ULS) of Guarda. It is the first record of coronavirus in the municipality of Raiano.

According to the epidemiological situation report published this Saturday, there are 182 recovered cases (the same as on Friday), 69 contacts (+3) under surveillance by the Public Health Unit (USP), 22 cases at home (+1) and three people discharged for clinical surveillance (unchanged)

The number of deaths (16) was maintained, while the total number of contacts monitored by USP increased significantly to 2,000 (+921 than the previous day).

Mêda is now the only municipality without Covid-19 cases, which is referred to in Almeida (6), Celorico da Beira (8), Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo (2), Fornos de Algodres (3), Gouveia (23 and 5 deaths), Guarda (19), Manteigas (7), Pinhel (31 and 2 deaths), Sabugal (1), Seia (11 and 1 death), Trancoso (22) and Vila Nova de Foz Côa (92, 8 deaths and 80 recovered).

However, ULS points out in the report that there are reported cases that currently reside outside the municipalities of the region.
