The fine print of membership contracts may change soon


How many times have you signed contracts and haven’t even read the “fine print”? It is true that we know that this information is there, but we rarely read it … the fault may be the size of the font.

Today, deputies approved the discussion, in the specialty, of bills that prohibit letters smaller than 2.5 millimeters in adhesion contracts, previously drawn up by electricity companies, insurance companies or banks.

The fine print size of membership contracts may change soon

The letters of the membership contracts must not be smaller than 11 or 2.5 mm.

Signing a contract leads us to always be careful. In addition to the salient information, it is important to look at, read and understand the “fine print” that says a lot. However, the truth is that many ignore the fine print.

In this sense, there are now two invoices, the BE and PEV invoices, which want to prohibit the letter of the adhesion contracts from being less than the measure 11 or 2.5 millimeters and that the line spacing is less than 1, 15, and the BE's proposal also includes the creation of an administrative system for the control and prevention of abusive clauses, to ensure that clauses considered prohibited by judicial decision are not applied by other entities.

The fine print size of membership contracts may change soon

Many consumers subscribe to contracts that only later, when reading the fine print, find that they contain clauses that they have not read and that can link them, for example, to loyalty terms or termination criteria, which they did not notice when hiring.

The claim of BE and the Greens is not new in the Assembly of the Republic, which in 2013 debated a petition that required the reform of the law to ensure that the graphic presentation of the clauses was of 'reasonable size' (Petition No. 232 / XII / 2nd). Also DECO, the largest consumer protection association in the country, has been warning about this and other factors, which must be modified in the legislation, reveals the Portuguese.
