The father of the fisherman killed in Tua believes the shooting was accidental


Sérgio Nascimento believes that his son was killed by the accidental shooting of a hunter, leaving aside the hypothesis of a premeditated crime.

I don’t think so, he had no enemies. For me, it was an individual [caçador] who got up there from the rocks and saw a figure, which was my son who had a black coat on, shot and ready. But who shot him after he shot someone “said the father of Cláudio Sérgio Nascimento, who was rescued, already dead, from the Tua river, on the last morning, near the place where he fished, this Sunday, in Valverde da Gestosa, municipality of Mirandela.

I missed him at night, I went to see him at that place, there was the backpack, the cane and the hat and a lot of blood was scatteredDescribes Sérgio Nascimento, who confirms his son’s enormous passion for fishing. “It was normal for him to go to that place to fish, he had a fishing license and he went everywhere,” says the father who reveals that he heard a shot.I heard a shot around 4pm“.

The Judicial Police are on the ground investigating the death, which appears to have been caused by a shot from a large weapon, probably a shotgun.

This Sunday, the scene of the homicide was one of the possibilities, taking into account the traces of blood that were found next to the place – known in the area as the old fraga – where the victim fished and where the fishing rod and a backpack belonging to the farmer.

In the village, there are reports that the victim, Cláudio Sérgio Nascimento, had a great passion for fishing, was a calm person and did not have friction with anyone. “He was perhaps one of the calmest people in this town, he never got involved with anyone”, says the president of the Union of Parishes of Barcel, Marmelos and Valverde da Gestosa, Luís Esteves.

There are also those who predict that it could have been an incident, starring a hunter. “This is a free hunting area, where there are many wild boars, someone may have accidentally shot,” adds another inhabitant who did not want to be identified.

The Judicial Police is investigating the case. The body will be subjected to an autopsy, still this Monday, the result of which will be essential for the investigation.

This Sunday, around 7:20 p.m., the alert was given for the disappearance of the man. For the site, 14 operations of the Mirandela Volunteer Firefighters were activated, with the support of six vehicles and six soldiers from the GNR. They even carried out searches on the river bank, for about two hours, until around 10:30 p.m., but the rain that was felt and the poor visibility ended up dictating the suspension of the searches.

Meanwhile, a team from the Mirandela GNR remained at the scene to preserve the evidence, and within minutes after the search was suspended, they ended up viewing what appeared to be an item of clothing in the water.

At dawn, around 12:15 am, the team of firefighters’ divers rescued the body of the 32-year-old peasant, who lives in Valverde da Gestosa.
