The elderly continue to receive the flu shot at home.


In the first phase of the influenza vaccination campaign, about 91% of the elderly were immunized, exceeding the target, which was 90%. Although the campaign is already in the second stage, targeting another target audience, the Health Department continues to provide services to the elderly and healthcare workers who have not received the vaccine.

In addition to the care in 71 units, vaccination is carried out through home care for the elderly. On Thursday (30), the teams from the Family Health Units went to Rua Leonor, in the Porto Velho neighborhood, where they vaccinated the elderly population in the region that did not receive care in the first phase of the campaign.

As of Wednesday (29), 123,629 older people had been immunized, with coverage of 101.1% in relation to the goal. Regarding health professionals, 23,403 were vaccinated, which totals 120.7% of the objective reached. The influenza flu vaccine runs through May 27.

The second phase is the vaccination of professionals from the security and rescue forces, patients with chronic diseases, persons deprived of liberty, truckers and indigenous peoples. The third phase of the campaign is scheduled for May 9, which will immunize children from 6 months to less than 6 years, teachers, people between 55 and 60 years, pregnant women and women who have recently given birth.

Vaccination is carried out in the following rooms:

Washington Luiz Lopes Health Center – Zé Garoto; USF Getúlio Vargas – Brasilândia; USF Youth Francisco Ribeiro – Engenho Pequeno; USF Armando Leão Ferreira – Morro do Castro; USF Mother Tereza de Calcutta – Estrela do Norte; UBS Haroldo Pereira Nunes – Porto Novo; USF Bocayuva Cunha – Gradim; UBS Robert Koch – Porto da Madama; USF Wally Figueira da Silva – Rocha; USF Barbosa Lima Sobrinho – Porto da Pedra; USF Bento da Cruz – Porto Novo; USF Ana Nery – Gradim; Gonçalense do Barro Vermelho Municipal Clinic; USF Luiz Carlos Prestes – Santa Catarina;

Paulo Marcos Rangel Health Center – Porto do Rosa; USF Alberto Farah – Mutuapira; USF Mahatma Gandhi – Jardim Califórnia; USF Alexander Fleming – Boaçu; USF Carlos Chagas – Fazenda dos Mineiros; USF Neuza Goulart Brizola – Palmeiras; USF Davi Capistrano Filho – Recanto das Acácias; USF Itaúna; USF Porto do Rosa; USF Albert Sabin – Itaoca; USF Jair Abrantes – Boa Vista; USF Mutuá; USF Mutuaguaçu; USF Leoncio Correa – Fazenda dos Mineiros;

Hélio Cruz – Alcântara Sanitary Pole; USF Irmã Dulce – Trindade; USF Tancredo Neves – Luiz Caçador; USF Bandeirantes; USF Oswaldo Cruz – Amendoeira; USF Adolfo Lutz – Pacheco; Gonçalense Municipal Clinic – Mutondo; USF Josyandra Mesquita – Colubandê; PAM Coelho;

Rio do Ouro Sanitary Pole; UBS Santa Izabel; UBS Doutel de Andrade – María Paula; UBS Hiparco Ferreira – Engenho do Roçado; USF Manoel de Abreu – Eliane; USF Badger Silveira – Tribobó; Dr. Zerbini Clinic – Arsenal; USF Luiza de Marilac – New Mexico; USF Marechal Cândido Rondon – Colubandê; USF Emílio Ribas – Barracão; USF Almerinda; USF José Avelino – Tribobó; USF Vila Candoza; USF Flávio Henrique Brito – Jockey; USF José Jorge Cortes Freitas – Itaitindiba; USF Marileia Cardoso – Jockey;

Jorge Teixeira de Lima Sanitary Pole – Jardim Catarina; UBS João Goulart – Jardim Catarina; USF Jardim Catarina; USF Roberto Silveira – Bom Retiro; USF Santa Luzia; USF Largo da Ideia; Marambaia Family Clinic; USF Floriano Barbosa – Jardim Catarina; USF Juárez Antunes – Laranjal; USF Luiz Paulo Guimarães – Laranjal; USF Aníbal Porto – Monjolos; USF Ary Teixeira – Bom Retiro; USF Louis Pasteur – Guaxindiba; USF Geremias Mattos Fontes – Bom Retiro; USF Elza Maria Borges – Santa Luzia; USF Agenor José da Silva – Jardim Catarina; Pam Neves.
