The discipline will have computer programming skills.


As we all know the results, mathematics is not always the best … but in Portugal it is worse. The Mathematics program will be revised, not only to integrate new topics such as computational knowledge and programming, but also to reverse the “failure” of the discipline.

Could it be that with the introduction of new topics, the mathematical discipline can generate greater motivation?

Mathematics: The discipline will have computational knowledge for programming.

Can programming help math scores?

TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) is an international study that assesses the performance of fourth and eighth grade students in Mathematics and Science. In addition to the fall in mathematics, 1st cycle students also fell from 508 points (in 2015) to 504 points (2019), reaching 33rd place in the table. The oldest reached 500 points in Mathematics (18th place out of 39 countries) and 519 in Science; the last TIMSS assessment for students this school year was in 1995 and the difference is huge: 49 more points for Math and 46 points for Science.

In Portugal, the Mathematics program will be reviewed to try to ensure better student results. For this, new topics will be integrated, such as knowledge and computer programming.

Mathematics: The discipline will have computational knowledge for programming.

The revision proposal will be requested from the working group that, in 2018, presented a report with recommendations to improve learning. This time the objective, explains João Costa, Undersecretary of State for Education, is "to look at the program as a whole."

The program implemented since 2009 anticipated goals, for example, from 5th to 3rd year, which requires students to have an abstract level of reasoning that will have been identified by the working group as one of the causes that generated “greater difficulties in the learning". ”Reveals JN.

Do you agree with the introduction of these new topics in the discipline of mathematics?
