The devaluation of the May Day controversy, the good news for Catholics, the hiring of the NHS and other announcements by the minister.


The Minister of Health opened the door to the celebration of May 13 in Fatima and ended up leaving this possibility in the hands of the church, “as long as health regulations are respected”, as happened in the celebrations of Workers’ Day. In an interview with Rodrigo Guedes de Carvalho, at SIC, Marta Temido said that “each organizer must make a judgment about the risks they will take”, especially because “the state of emergency or the state of calamity is not a totalitarian emergency.” it’s a health emergency. “Remember that the church has already said that this year there will be no face-to-face ceremonies at the Sanctuary of Fatima.

Still in the celebrations of May 1, the minister considers that they were “in line with what was the exceptionality foreseen in the presidential decree that referred to the state of emergency”, although he ended up concluding that the demonstrations, that is, in Alameda D Afonso Henriques, had “a significant number of people, greater than what is a rule number, but a number framed within what was the signaling of a date.”

Regarding the presence of the PCP leader, Jerónimo de Sousa, 73, in the protests and his statement that “age is not an absolute criterion”, the minister agreed to emphasize that “age is a risk criterion in itself”. alone, but it is not an absolute criterion. “

Regarding the hypothesis of having an audience in soccer games, since the stadiums are open, Marta Temido was perpetual “No, because the option at this time will be not to have an audience”, but these are aspects “that They are considering “.

Regarding the use or not of the masks and the evolution of the position of the Portuguese health authorities, who at first did not recommend their use, Marta Temido guarantees that “it was not the lack of masks that determined the option, it was the question of We still do not have a technical indication of the entities that we normally follow in this regard. “On the other hand, he justified that it was not worth telling the Portuguese to wear masks if they were asked to stay at home.” Starting Monday, our lives will try to regain some normality and people will do things that they had stopped doing, so they must be very careful and the mask is a complementary precaution. “

With the widespread use of masks, it is necessary to make them accessible to everyone and Marta Temido confesses that the availability of sales in commercial areas “is a concern.” “We are very committed to our national industry responding to what was a change in the way we define this situation,” referring to the recent recommendation to use social or community masks. However, he says that “we have certified community masks to be sold”, although “the possibility of making them at home” is not out of the question.

Regarding the massive use of evidence in covid-19, he says that “it is very important” but that it is only “a photograph of what happens to an individual at any given time”. He is an assistant.

All health systems are discussing how to respond in parallel to covid-19 and non-covid-19 situations and the Portuguese SNS is no exception and that is why an order has already been issued stating that “it is time to start reprogramming and to recover activity “, such as consultations and surgeries, which have since been suspended.

The minister has no doubts that “health professionals have been unstoppable, especially in the last 60 days.” And if “it is in them that the success of what has happened so far” is also in their capacity “that depends on the response to what comes next”. He recalled the hiring of 1,800 health professionals in relation to this crisis and added that “now we have to maintain them so that others can guarantee answers to what remains to be done.”

Marta Temido emphasizes that “the NHS has discovered in itself a latent force and new ways of working” and believes that “this extreme capacity, this energy, will continue to allow us to respond”.

Regarding the remuneration and possible salary increases for health professionals, the minister was cautious: “We have to take each step in turn and make sure we have a context that allows us to respond to those who responded the best because of their performance.”

Finally, on the risk of virus transmissibility, Ro, one of the main indicators to understand how the pandemic is evolving, Marta Temido revealed that this index is currently at 0.92. Admitting that there is no zero risk, the minister guarantees that “if it is below 1, we will be relatively calm with the responsiveness of the system.”
