The counties with the most Covid cases per 100,000 inhabitants are Freixo de Espada à Cinta, Lousada and Guimarães


These data are updated on November 21 on the evolution of the number of infection cases in the North ARS intervention area per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days.

In Freixo de Espada à Cinta, the number of cases in the last week has doubled in relation to that registered in the previous week.

The data also show that in Lousada, for example, a decrease in the cases of infected people is already beginning to register. It fell from 746 in the penultimate week to 510 already in the last week. Even so, the incidence of cases in the last two weeks per 100,000 inhabitants is still very high: 2,686.3.

In Guimarães, the situation continues with little change. 1,819 cases in the last week, a little less than the 1,926 cases registered in the penultimate week.

Vizela is a municipality where there was a greater percentage change in cases in the last week compared to the penultimate. Minus 44 percent. It went from 1544 to 848. The incidence of cases in the last two weeks per 100,000 inhabitants also remains high here: 2402.

Where there was also a substantial variation was in Paços de Ferreira. 33 percent fewer cases in the last week compared to the penultimate week. In this municipality, the number of cases dropped from 1204 in the penultimate week to 799 in the penultimate and 536 in the last.

The same report indicates that the district of Porto registered, between the second and third week of November, a decrease in new cases of infection by SARS-CoV-2, and that of Bragança the highest growth.

Of the six districts covered by the Northern Regional Health Administration (ARS-N), Porto’s went from 13,349 new cases in the second week to 12,425 new cases in the third week of this month, representing 7% less of new infections.

Bragança was the one that registered the highest growth in the number of new infections with the new coronavirus, with a growth of the order of 40 percent.

The district of Bragança is followed by the districts of Viana do Castelo and Vila Real, which registered a growth of 22% and 19%, respectively, in the number of new cases of covid-19.

Viana do Castelo went from 626 new cases in the second week of November to 762 new cases in the third week, while Vila Real went from 806 to 959.

The district of Braga registered an 11% increase in the number of new infections and the district of Aveiro (which includes seven counties covered by the ARS-N) of 4%.
