The children of immigrants in Portugal a year ago will have the nationality at birth


The Nationality Law will change. Portugal will recognize the right to Portuguese nationality for children born in the national territory who are the children of immigrants who have resided in the country for a year, says “Público” on Tuesday. Further, Portuguese nationality will also be returned to Africans from former colonies who lost it in 1975 because they lived in the country for less than five years.

These are some of the amendments proposed by the PS to the diplomas on the nationality law, presented by the PCP and the PAN, which the Parliament approved in late 2019.

The PCP diploma, presented in December last year, determined that to have Portuguese nationality, it would be enough for one of the baby’s parents to be a resident in Portugal, he no longer needs the two-year term that now exists.

Now, the PS proposal, to establish the deadline in one year, is below the current law (three years), but above the advance in the communist text.

“The concept of jus solis, which is the Portuguese tradition, for the children of immigrants with one year of residence ”, assured the newspaper Constança Urbano de Sousa.

This “is the most important and essential change” to the nationality law that will maintain the same requirements as the general regime to grant nationality to foreigners, he justified.
