The “Butts Law” takes effect this Friday. Fines can reach 1,500 euros – News


Is this that we stopped seeing cigarette butts adorning the Portuguese sidewalk? In 2007, smoking was banned in public spaces, but despite not having to take it with the smoke of your coworker or the person who sits next to you in the restaurant, you continue to take it with your cigarette butts at all times . the side.

In May 2019, the People-Animals-Nature party presented a bill to regulate the end that should be attributed to cigarette butts which, in addition to being responsible for 30% of fires, are also the most common waste that is found in areas. coastal.

The law, which aims to reduce the impact of cigarette butts on the environment, came into force on September 4, 2019, but designated a one-year adaptation period for the spaces to adapt to the new regulations. Although this period ends this Friday, the law establishes that the application of fines takes effect one year after the publication of the legislation, which means that as of this Thursday, September 3, the fines will begin to be applied. .

“Commercial establishments, that is, restaurants and beverages, establishments where recreational activities are carried out and all buildings where smoking is prohibited, must have ashtrays and their own equipment for the disposal of undifferentiated and selective waste produced by their customers.” The regulation also applies to public transport companies that must “place ashtrays next to the boarding platforms, in areas where smoking is allowed.”

The Food and Economic Security Authority (ASAE), the Town Halls, the Municipal Police, the Republican National Guard, the Public Security Police, the Maritime Police and the other police authorities will be in charge of monitoring compliance with the regulations provided for in the law. that, in case of infringement, it can entail fines ranging between 25 and 250 euros -for those who throw cigarette butts in public spaces- and 250 and 1500 euros for entities that do not provide ashtrays.
