The brother of the fado singer Ana Moura dies in a motorcycle accident in Coruche – Portugal


The brother of the fado singer Ana Moura died at the end of this Saturday afternoon after the motorcycle accident he was driving in Foros de Valverde, near Coruche, the birthplace of the artist’s family. Bruno Moura Pereira will have lost control of his high-displacement KTM on a dangerous curve where traffic accidents are frequent, and ended up not resisting his injuries, declaring death on the spot.

The current companion traveled with the mortal victim, who suffered serious injuries and was transferred to the emergency room of the Hospital de Santarém, where she remains hospitalized with wounds at the height of the chest. According to the CM He managed to find out, it was the woman, a resident of Santarém, who gave the alert for the accident.

VMER from Santarém, Volunteer Firefighters from Coruche and GNR participated in the rescue operations, in a total of 12 operations, supported by four vehicles. Civil Protection came to shoot an INEM helicopter at the site, which was demobilized in the meantime.

The causes of the accident, which occurred at 5:30 pm, are being investigated by the Traffic Accident Investigation Center (NICAV) of the GNR of Santarém.
