The British ambassador is warning anyone traveling to Portugal to “resign” to the possibility of having to self-quarantine upon return and …


The UK Ambassador to Portugal, Chris Sainty, made it clear on Friday that classifying our country as safe to travel in the context of the pandemic can “change it in an instant” and therefore advises the British to travel only if they are “Pursuant to the unexpected quarantine obligation” upon his return to British soil.

Referring to the fact that “thousands of British and Portuguese tourists living in the United Kingdom have traveled to Portugal” since August 20, the obligation to quarantine all people returning from our country was suspended, Ambassador Chris Sainty left a warning :

“We worked closely with Portugal to ensure that our policy makers in the UK fully understood the situation here. But things can change in an instant. As cases increase in Europe, quarantine has been re-applied in many countries, in line with the UK’s main objective, which is to protect public health.

As such, the British diplomat leaves a warning that could be interpreted as an already modest disincentive for new trips to Portugal: “Travelers should think carefully about their plans and take into account all the risks of traveling abroad in a situation where constant change As such, he paraphrased the Minister of Transportation, Grant Shapps, and said: “Travel only if you are satisfied with the unexpected quarantine obligation.”

This warning from the British diplomat comes on the same day that the British press once again considered possible the return of Portugal to the “black list” of countries that the United Kingdom considers is not safe to travel. The list will be reviewed this Thursday, and from then on there may be a setback in the position of Portugal.

On August 20, Portugal was removed from the list of countries whose return to British soil would entail, both British and foreign nationals, a mandatory quarantine period. The inclusion of Portugal in this list has been criticized by both the Government and the President of the Republic.

This Sunday, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa defended that, at this moment, there are no reasons for Portugal to return to the list from unsafe countries, even though the number of new cases is increasing. In the last week of August, the figures returned to levels similar to those of early July.

“These numbers should be put into perspective”said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa this Sunday. And, even in general terms for the country, we must be vigilant and prevent – and I think that is also the position of the health authorities – but it goes without saying that there are circumstances that justify a reversal of the last decision, which has been 10 days , from the United Kingdom in relation to Portugal ”.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. The figures do not justify the return of Portugal to the “black list”
