The Bankinter Portugal workers committee asks to report abuses by managers and increase attention to the virus – O Jornal Economico


The National Committee of Workers (TC) of Bankinter Portugal warned this weekend about abuses by managers that are increasingly denounced by bank employees, asking that these events be made known in the channels available for this purpose.

“The reports that we are receiving from the workers are many, but with fear of reprisals, they do not want to be exposed,” warns the CT. “Unfortunately, some cases even touch on verbal rudeness, lack of respect and humiliation of workers, who can easily and dangerously approach moral harassment,” reports the entity.

Regarding the contingency situation in which the country finds itself, Bankinter Portugal employee representatives warn that it is necessary to increase attention, praise the bank’s crisis management and pay tribute to the employees who were on the front line ( in offices) agencies) and those who worked under home Office.

“Protect yourself and do not endanger your health or that of others,” concludes the commission, in a document signed by the coordinator, Alberto Tavares.

In the first half of this year, Bankinter Portugal’s profit before tax stood at 17 million euros, which corresponds to a 50% drop compared to the same period in 2019. At stake are the higher provisions made in 2020 for face Macroeconomic evolution and release of provisions that occurred last year and in 2019

The recurring business in the country has had “a good behavior”, with all the margins of the accounts growing “at a good pace”, according to the report sent to the Spanish regulator – National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).
