THE BALL – Sérgio Conceição and Benfica fined by the Disciplinary Council (League)


This Tuesday, the FPF Disciplinary Council issued an opinion on various processes related to FC Porto – Marítimo, disputed on October 3, regarding the 1st day of the League.

The Dragons lost 2-3 and, at the end of the match, Sérgio Conceição criticized Rui Costa’s refereeing during the match. The words of the Porto coach have already earned him a fine of 2,040 euros. In the same process, FC Porto was acquitted for the content of the Dragões Diário publication the day after the meeting with the islanders.

Benfica was ordered to pay 20,910 euros for Newsletter official, have demanded explanations about the behavior of Sérgio Conceição, also detailing several movements that, in the understanding of the eagles, were misjudged and in favor of the dragons:

«What happened in the match between FC Porto and Marítimo is too serious for those responsible for Portuguese football to pretend they had not seen anything. Before the game, the coach complained about the anti-game and, in the second half, being at a disadvantage and without correspondence with the stoppage times, he was given another ten minutes.

FC Porto’s first goal was preceded by a clear foul from Danilo. And the penalty awarded for an alleged foul on Marega should not have existed. Whoever sees the play notices that the Marítimo player reaches the ball first and the Porto player kicks the opponent in the foot. Inexplicably, the VAR said nothing.

And here are very specific questions for the Refereeing Council. You have not seen him? Don’t you evaluate what happened? What is the explanation for such obvious errors, mainly the VAR?

And what is the reason for the successive designations of VAR Luís Ferreira for FC Porto matches, when everyone is aware of their successive judgments always to the benefit of that club? ».
