THE BALL – “Now the players are supermen?” (Benfica)


Jorge Jesús took advantage of the cases of Gabriel and Cervi, who tested positive for Covid-19 on January 2 and are about to end their isolation time, to reflect on the pressure for the players to return to action.

«They did it yesterday 10 days [de isolamento], it fits the record that has passed, we had 13 or 14 players in a month and a half with Covid-19. I can say that they have no physical or psychological conditions for tomorrow’s game. We all know how it is … they say it is a disease, but for whom? For everyone. Isn’t it a disease for footballers? Aren’t the players human? When the 10 days of isolation are over[areyoureadytoplayrightaway[aren’tyousick?Aretheysupermen?Thatseems”saidaggravated[ficamlogoprontosparajogar[notbefore?Sãosuper-homens?[¿estáslistoparajugardeinmediato[¿noestásenfermo?¿Sonsuperhombres?Esoparece”dijoagravado[ficamlogoprontosparajogar[nãoestãodoentes?Sãosuper-homens?Parecequesim»disseagastado

The coach also spoke about the postponements of matches in this pandemic context: “We have to respect all the decisions. Soccer has been an example in our society of helping, testing, fighting and protecting. All family members, staff … give us a bubble of tranquility, and even then we are not always able to control the virus. For me, the championship would always continue, due to the total security that exists in football teams, but if DGS understands that it has to stop, we have to comply with the decisions.

Jorge Jesús acknowledged that playing every two days forces the squad to rotate more and that that Tuesday, against Estrela da Amadora «there will be many changes:« This match tomorrow will enter a cycle with many matches and we will move in relation to Tondela, in relation to not to the game with FC Porto ».

In this sense, he also said that he is considering changes in the centrals: «Tomorrow there is still training, but it is a sector that I am thinking of changing, one or two players. But I need to do this, because I play every 2 days, so that there are more players competing so that they have already had competition if we have to call, and they can give total security ».
