THE BALL – Lions attentive to the forward of Portimonense (Sporting)


There are still two months to close the curtain on the 2020/2021 season, there is still a lot at stake for Rúben Amorim’s team, such as winning the title and also accessing the millions in the Champions League, after winning the League Cup, but in the Alvalade offices there is a long way to go to prepare for the next season. And if, as for possible exits and sales, the market will dictate the law as always, in terms of hiring, those in charge of León do not waste time and are already working on identified objectives. One of them, A BOLA knows, is Beto, from Portimonense.

In fact, Beto is a long-referenced player in Alvalade. Indeed, since Sporting began to become famous as a scorer at the Olímpico do Montijo, they tried to sign him, with Beto opting for Portimonense at that time, since he understood that he would have more opportunities to play regularly and thus reach the League . -Remember that last year he was part of the U23 team in the Algarve, but he still played in the main team.

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