THE BALL – “I said we were going to rock but Covid shook Benfica” (Benfica)


Jorge Jesús took off the gallons to defend himself and Benfica, after the victory (2-0) over Famalicão, in Luz.

“It has not been easy. I spent 15 days without seeing my players, without being able to train. Covid-19 devastated Benfica! This is no excuse, but for three weeks, it withdrew the technical and medical team. Of the 27 players in the squad, only three were not infected. And this, from what I went through, is not a cold. If I had to play today, I would not play. I had an aggressive Covid, but being on the bench and screaming … Benfica lost their identity and their confidence. Fortunately, believing in science, we will have no more problems in three months, “he said, continuing:

“Covid has huge sequences and we’ve been at this for two months. From the Dragon we had 10 players and 16 elements of personal infected. That takes away competitiveness, confidence … I don’t see the players, they don’t see me … Each one is equipped in a room, it looks like a ghost team. But this will happen, let’s go back to training together and gain technical and tactical levels so that later we can have the confidence to play 70 or 80 minutes at a high level and not just half an hour.

– Covid-19 leaves sequels and I do not apologize because we have no results. I take on my responsibilities as a coach, but I’m not a doctor! Yes, I know the damage this has done to Benfica, but we have time to recover because we will have the players in Seixal and not sick at home. When I arrived I said that Benfica would be a team to beat, we started the season well but nobody in the world foresaw it and knew it. It was Covid who devastated us, “he concluded to BTV.
