The Azores solution “is not ideal.” Marcelo says that one thing is “to have”, another is “to like” – Observer …


“All parties have the same right to make governments viable.” It was the first time that the President of the Republic pronounced on the governmental solution for the Azores, which assumed the leader of the second most voted force in the elections, without the most voted force having previously had this possibility. “He respected the Constitution”, guaranteed Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, since although he is not the most voted, the Executive took possession with a “parliamentary majority”. Marcelo spoke with journalists this Friday before meeting with tourism entrepreneurs in the downtown area. Despite this, the The president stressed that this is not the ideal solution and he recalled his position on anti-systemic parties.

“One thing is ‘have to’ and another is ‘like’. And in ‘having to’ this was the only constitutional solution. ‘I like it’ is something else and neither the representative of the Republic nor the President of the Republic has to like it or not, ”said Marcelo.

The PS was the most voted party in the Azores elections, but lost the majority in the regional parliament. José Manuel Bolieiro (PSD) ended up being appointed president of the Regional Government of the Azores, thanks to an understanding of the right: a government coalition PSD-CDS-PPM, with parliamentary agreements with Chega and Iniciativa Liberal. Chega’s presence in the understanding has been criticizedfrom both the right and the left, and the prime minister even accused the PSD of having “crossed the red lines” by closing a deal with a “xenophobic far-right” party.

Marcelo precipitated right-wing government in the Azores

Without ever referring to the party in question, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa recalled that everyone knows his position, delivered in the speech of April 25, 2018 in the Assembly of the Republic, “which is an old position, on anti-systemic parties.” The President, who explained two years ago what “these parties mean and what consequences they bring”, summarized his position in three ideas: “We must prevent their appearance by avoiding the causes of dissatisfaction that justify them; the secretary’s ban should be avoided; and we have to fight against ideas ”.

Marcelo also said that he liked the peaceful, civilized and rapid transition found in the archipelago. Furthermore, underlining that “it is not the ideal solution”, he guarantees that he did not find anything in the agreements contrary to the Constitution. “It is an option for the parties, it has advantages and there are prices,” he concluded, recalling that Cavaco Silva probably did not like the 2015 solution either.

That year, the then president of the Republic inaugurated a government of Pedro Passos Coelho that would finally fall in the Cortes, giving way to the first government of António Costa, after the PS achieved parliamentary agreements with PCP and BE.
