The program will support 11 thousand internships and 6 thousand unemployed – O Jornal Económico


This Monday, February 15, the Government will launch an application period for the “” program to support internships and hiring the unemployed. This program accepts applications until June 30 and has a total endowment of 100 million euros.

Scholarships for these applications vary with education levels, the lowest being those that receive the equivalent of the Social Support Index, amounting to 438.81 euros, and the highest can receive 1,053.14 euros. The IEFP will reimburse 75% of the amount to be paid to the intern, and if the candidate is accepted, he / she is entitled to food subsidy and insurance for occupational accidents.

The internship program has an endowment of 75 million euros and the Government’s objective is to reach 11 thousand people between 18 and 35 years old.

The Deputy Secretary of State for Work and Vocational Training, Miguel Cabrita, told TSF today that “both young people and companies can apply and our goal at this stage is to provide 75 million euros to reach about 11 thousand people.”

Companies that convert internships into permanent employment contracts receive a bonus of up to € 3,072, as they are helping to boost employment in times of pandemic.

In addition to the internship programs, another aspect of “” is also the incentive for hiring the unemployed, and this program will have an endowment of 25 million euros, and should help six thousand people to return to the labor market . Support for companies is 5,266 euros in the case of a permanent contract or 1,755 euros in a fixed-term contract.

In this case, one of the criteria is that the candidate must have been unemployed for at least six consecutive months, or for two consecutive months if they are people aged 29 or less or 45 or more.

In the previous application program, the IEFP received about 22,400 applications for the placement of more than 19,200 internships and allowed the creation of 7,700 jobs.
