The arrival of patients transferred from Amadora-Sintra to São João


The number of confirmed cases of covid-19 rose again, with 9,083 registrations in 24 hours, increasing the pressure on hospitals in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, specifically in Amadora-Sintra, which sent 15 patients to S. João, in Porto. , and five to the Gaia-Espinho Hospital Center (CHG-E).

According to Wednesday’s report from the General Directorate of Health (DGS), the number of hospitalized patients in the country on Tuesday amounted to 6684, 91 more than the day before, 877 were hospitalized in intensive care units (ICU), an increase 25 compared to the previous day. There were still 240 lives to cry.

Half of the new contagion cases (4,544) occurred in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, where hospitalization capacity is running out. Amadora-Sintra reached, Wednesday morning, the maximum number of covid inmates: 368. Of which 37 were in the ICU. By Tuesday afternoon, it had stopped receiving respiratory patients in ambulances.

Reinforced crews

After transferring 18 patients to Hospital da Luz, that unit relied on Porto and Gaia hospitals, sending two dozen sick patients. Some need non-invasive ventilation.

The patients began arriving at S. João around 9 p.m., each one transported in an ambulance, whose crew was reinforced with a doctor. Despite the high number of cases, this Wednesday, in the North region (with more than 2365), the S. João hospital still had space to receive patients from other regions. 150 covid-19 patients were admitted, of which 48 were in intensive care, indicated a hospital source, ensuring that normal activity continues for other pathologies, including surgeries and outpatient consultations.

Five patients arrived in Vila Nova de Gaia during the night. As of 24 hours Tuesday, CHG-E had 127 inpatients in nursing and 36 in ICU, whose capacities can be expanded, respectively, to 180 and 60 inpatients.

In addition to S. João and CHG-E, the Aveiro Hospital, the largest of the Centro Hospitalar do Baixo Vouga, also received patients from Lisbon and Vale do Tejo: on Tuesday, one of the units in Vila Franca de Xira and Torres Vedras ; this Wednesday, two from the Beatriz Ângelo Hospital, in Loures. This Wednesday morning, the CHBV had 134 covid patients in nursing and eight in intensive care.

With the data released this Wednesday, the number of confirmed cases now stands at 740,944, of which 320,315, that is, 43.2%, have been registered since the beginning of the year. The death toll is already 13,257.
