The appeal of DGS for schools and businesses. “There is no strategy”


THEthe most recent data from Direction-General Health Report that Portugal registered 2,535 new cases and 16 more deaths due to COVID-19-19 in the last 24 hours. With this to update, the total number of confirmed cases in the country amounts to 106,271 and that of deaths to 2,229. There are still more than 63,000 recovered, another 1,340 on the last day.

A pandemic caused at least 1,126,471 deaths worldwide since the SARSthe-2 was identified in December in China. More than 40,856,210 cases of infection were officially diagnosed in the same period, of which at least 28,035,900 are considered cured.

See the evolution maps pandemic of the new coronavirus in Portugal and in the World.

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news about the COVID-19-19 in Portugal and in the world:

17h10 – the Azores has registered, in the last 24 hours, two positive cases of COVID-19-19 in São Miguel, result of 1,292 analyzes performed in the two reference laboratories in the region, reported the Regional Health Authority.

16h57 – A directorThe General of Health today asked employers and schools to receive “without any fear” employees and students who have the medical discharge certificate from COVID-19-19 because “they can return.” Until now, the return of these patients to school or the workplace depended on having a negative test, but the to update the norm of DirectionGeneral Health (DGS), which reduces the isolation period to 10 days, testing is no longer necessary.

16h37 – A President de la Ordem dos Enferiros spoke with journalists after meeting with the President of the Republic. Ana Rita Cavaco began by explaining that she told Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa that “it makes no sense not to have a strategy” and that the “Autumn / Winter Plan is, effectivelyvery good on paper “, but that, at this moment, “the operationalization“. A President He also mentioned that there is “an absence of a strategy for nurses who are tired, unmotivated, a little fed up with vain promises,” because, he added, “we look at the State Budgets and we do not see any increase or money to allocate to these professionals.”

16h34 – THE amount of people infected I do not leave COVID-19-19 in the Home for the Elderly of the Parish and Social Center of Salvador, in Beja, rose from 31 to 32, with two users admitted to the hospital, it was revealed today.

16h21 – About fifty schools have outbreaks active of COVID-19-19, advanced today to directorGeneral de Salud, who made a positive assessment of the first weeks of school. “Right now, they are active 49 outbreaks in schools with 449 reported cases ”, said Graça Freitas at the press conference in to update Information about pandemic of COVID-19-19 in Portugal.

16h12 – THE In the last 24 hours, Iran registered a new daily record of infections of the new coronavirus, 5,616, after having exceeded 5,000 daily cases on Tuesday since the beginning of detection cases in the country, in February.

16h04 – This is not the news we expected. According to a scientific advisor britdwarf, the new coronavirus will exist “forever” as it is unlikely to be eradicated. The alert was made by John Edmunds, a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), who added that a vaccine would help improve the situation. “We will have to live with this virus forever. There is very little chance that it will be eradicated,” says the expert.

15h37 – The Mozambican Ministry of Health announced today the death of another patient infected for the new coronavirus, raising the total Deceased to 79, with 141 new positive cases.

15h23 – THE European champion in title Bayern Munich can play today against Atlético de Madrid, for the Champions League football, despite Serge Gnabry have tested positive in COVID-19-19, affirms to UEFA. THE Bayern Munich reported Tuesday that forward Serge Gnabry, 25 years old, tested positive in the battery of tests carried out campus Bavaro and that is “fine”, “asymptomatic“and to comply with a period of home quarantine.

15h17 – THE President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, announced today that it will not buy the vaccine against COVID-19-19 which is being developed by the Chinese laboratory Sinovac in collaboration with the Institute Butantan, contradictory information published the day before.

15h13 – THE number of workers in traditional dismissal (regime provided for in the Labor Code), reached September 8645, the highest value since at least March 2005, according to monthly statistics from Social Security. According to official data, in September the number of workers in traditional layoffs increased from 6,327 in August to 8.645 in September, reaching the highest value in the series, which started in March 2005.

15h09 – When asked about the most recent outbreaks in homes, The Secretary of State Diogo Serras Lopes said, after all, that there is currently cases of COVID-19-19 out of 129 households “, with 1,425 infected between users and 593 professionals “.

15h03 – At least 28 university students risk fines ranging from 601 euros to 30,000 euros after a party held at the residence of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, which led to an outbreak of COVID-19-19reports the newspaper ABC. The party, which took place on September, led to the suspension of all classes on campus for 15 days.

3 pm – We start a new record this Wednesday, you can remember the previous one here.

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