The APAF reacts to criticism of the referees: ″ They shout when they feel harmed, keep silent when they benefit ″


The ninth day of the I League was marked by the controversial Famalicão-Sporting, which ended with a two-goal draw. At the end of the match, Frederico Varandas received harsh criticism from the referee team.

The Portuguese Association of Soccer Referees (APAF) issued a statement on Monday to repudiate the “language used by various agents with greater responsibilities in Portuguese soccer, pointing to the performance of the referees.”

The body’s reaction occurs after a weekend marked by criticism of Luís Godinho’s performance in Famalicão-Sporting by the Leonese team, in particular by its president, Frederico Varandas.

The APAF considers “unacceptable” that “the honor and good name of the arbitrators are constantly questioned” and states that it has already sent the statements in question to the Disciplinary Board, also referring “complaints to other judicial and associative bodies in the sense to determine responsibilities. “

Read the full statement:

The Portuguese Association of Football Referees (APAF) comes, once again, to repudiate the language used by several agents with greater responsibilities in Portuguese football, pointing to the performance of Referees, with successive tests of competence, recognized in Portugal and Europe.

It is unacceptable that the honor and good name of referees are constantly undermined, contributing to a climate of permanent discredit, which only detracts from sports competitions and drives away more and more football fans, increasing tension and violence whether verbal or physical, throughout society.

It is in this environment of total irresponsibility and selfishness, of people who shout when they feel harmed and remain silent when they benefit, that football lives. Which only shows that few are really concerned with contributing to an effective improvement of the entire industry.

As on other occasions, the APAF has already sent the statements made after the weekend’s games to the Disciplinary Council, also sending complaints to other judicial and associative bodies to determine responsibilities.

We call on the disciplinary bodies to respond quickly and vehemently to ban, once and for all, this type of speech in football in Portugal, which is repeated week after week, changing only the protagonists ”.
