The Angolan government criticizes the Escola Portuguesa de Luanda for suspending face-to-face classes – Observer


The Angolan Ministry of Education issued a statement on Monday in which criticizes the Portuguese School of Luanda (EPL) for suspending face-to-face classes after a positive case of contagion with the new coronavirus was identified in a student of the establishment.

Luísa Grilo, Minister of Education of Angola, considered that the confirmation of a case of Covid-19 in the school “is not a sufficient element to decide to suspend the mixed regime”: “It is striking that in the Portuguese document that defines the rules for The education, School closure should only be considered in high-risk situations. in the educational establishment ”, he argues.

In a statement issued on Saturday, the Portuguese School of Luanda announced the suspension of face-to-face classes because “a large number of students did not attend face-to-face classes, including formal moments of evaluation, revealing the insecurity of parents about the return of their students to school ”.

For the Ministry of Education, however, “It is the duty of the school to establish a relationship of trust with parents and guardians., allowing them to feel more comfortable with the idea of ​​sending their students to face-to-face classes, “adds the government statement.

The Portuguese School of Luanda also justified that “the evolution of the epidemiological situation, with the progressive daily increase in Covid-19 cases registered in the country, as well as the weak response in terms of medical assistance, lead the school to reconsider when to return to the classroom regime“.

To this argument, Luísa Grilo replied that “EPL is not responsible for issuing a ruling on the National Health System.“Angoleño:” in comparative terms at the CPLP level [Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa], official data indicate that Angola (with 7,622 cases) ranks fifth in number of cases, below Brazil (5,224,362), Portugal (99,911), Mozambique (10,866) and Cape Verde (7,752) ”.

According to the Ministry of Education, this is “a figure that reveals the efforts of the Executive to responsibly confront the pandemic, as well as the control it has over it, especially if we take into account population vs. number of cases in different countries ”.

That is why the decision to return exclusively to the distance education regime “in no way obligates the Ministry of Education, which after the inspection carried out by the National Education Inspectorate, found that the EPL meets all the pedagogical and biosafety requirements, having continually canceled the start of face-to-face classes ”.

The Portuguese School of Luanda receives students from families with greater economic power in Angola. The establishment offers preschool, basic and secondary education. It is under the responsibility of the Portuguese Ministry of Education.
