The Algarve figures “have no comparison” with those of Lisbon and the north


The figures of the “Metropolitan Area of ​​Lisbon and some areas of the North region”, where the main sources of contagion of Covid-19 are located, “have no comparison” with the situation in the Algarve, defended this Friday, September 18, the President of the Republic.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who inaugurated the remodeling works of a school in Olhão and returned to dinner with the mayors, considered that the pandemic figures “show that there is an overwhelming majority of cases that come from the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and some areas from the city. northern region. There is no comparison with the Algarve. ‘

Speaking to journalists, the President of the Republic stressed, however, the need for everyone to adopt containment measures.

“We all know that we are experiencing a pandemic that is far from over. None of us know if we are in the middle, if we are already halfway through, but we have many months ahead of us and we have had many months behind, ”he said.

«It is a difficult time, in a difficult year. That is why a contingency regime was put in place for all of Portugal and its application depends on everyone ”, he stressed.

The Head of State also referred to the coming weeks as “difficult” and “with more cases.”

“It is a phase, everywhere, very difficult, with more numbers going up. Now they are at 700, they may be in the next few weeks at 1000 or more, knowing that the vast majority are young and knowing that the NHS does not show stress, at this time, in terms of hospitalizations and intensive care and that the number of the number The number of deaths is relatively low ”, explained Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

But what if everything gets worse?

«Now we have a great experience here that all the Portuguese can help. We have two things from which we cannot escape, which is the economic activity that cannot stop, who works must continue working, and we have another reality from which we do not want to escape, which is face-to-face education. We will make an effort not to add to that what we cannot add, “he considered.

It is that, he said, “the economic activity itself, by itself, causes coexistence.”

“We have to exert ourselves in school, outside of school, in the workplace, sometimes even in family gatherings and friends’ gatherings, to proceed with some restraint. Not adding more factors to those that are already the factors of social life, “he concluded.

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