The abstention of the PAN allows the approval of OE2021 in the global final vote


After knowing that PCP, PEV and the unregistered deputy Cristina Rodrigues (former PAN) will abstain in the final global vote of the General State Budgets for 2021, at least two abstentions were necessary to approve the proposal.

The PAN bench is made up of three deputies, so their vote allows the budget to be approved. The announcement of the abstention was made this morning by the parliamentary leader of the PAN, Inês Sousa Real.

“The PAN is going to make the Budget viable with its abstention (…) because it is clear that there is still a long way to go. It is not a Budget that fully responds to our demands ”, such as the tax on petroleum derivatives, TAP’s environmental counterparts or the renegotiation of public-private road alliances.

As of Wednesday night, the approval of OE2021 in the global final vote was practically guaranteed, after the PCP announced its abstention.

“The PCP will abstain in the final global vote, ensuring that the important proposals and resolutions that have been fought for can have a translation in the lives of workers and people”, then declared João Oliveira, the party’s parliamentary leader.

“An abstention that marks the departure from the options and criteria that the Government assumes in a Budget that is its responsibility but that, at the same time, should not be confused with the action of those who are all betting on the deterioration of the national situation to resume aggravation projects. exploitation that the struggle of the Portuguese workers and people defeated ”, he added.

This morning, the also unregistered deputy Cristina Rodrigues said that she will abstain in the final global vote, noting that “It would be irresponsible” to add a political crisis to the social crisis that Portugal is already going through.

The Left Bloc, on the other hand, had already announced the vote against. “The Left Bloc will maintain, in the final global vote, the vote against the proposal for the State Budget for 2021 ”, declared the party.

The blockers justified the decision with the fact that the PS voted against the 12 proposals presented by BE in the specialty. “All the proposals in the areas of health, employment and social protection were unsuccessful”said Catarina Martins party.

“[O Bloco] it was involved in the negotiation of OE2021 for several months, but the Government maintained an intransigent stance on central issues, insisting on a minimal response that is out of place given the circumstances of the pandemic, economic and social crisis that the country is going through ” , said.

In addition to the Left Block, PSD, CDS-PP, Enough and Liberal Initiative will vote against the State Budgets for 2021. Only the Socialist Party will vote in favor of the document.

The discussion of the Budget in the specialty began on Friday and since then long marathon votes have been held in the Budget and Finance Committee, as well as the convocation and discussion in plenary session.

In this specialty process The record for modification proposals submitted by the parties was broken. to the approved document in general, having presented around 1,500.
