The 2021 state budget leaves the automotive sector in a “state of emergency”


State of emergency. This is how the car brands and companies in the sector are contacted by Razão Automóvel. In a year in which the sector’s turnover losses exceed 35%, the expectations were to support an industry that employs more than 150 thousand people in Portugal and represents 21% of the State’s tax revenue, but what results of the State Budget for 2021 is quite different.

In addition to the lack of support, the companies and associations affected consider that the PAN proposal, approved by the PS and the Left Bloc, to limit tax incentives to hybrid and plug-in hybrids, is penalizing the country in terms of economic and environmental.

Unexpected change of plans

Less than a month and a half before the end of the year, when all annual plans are already closed, companies in the automotive sector are now forced to review everything.

Orders, sales, investments and the stock of vehicles are being affected by the proposal presented by the PAN party – Animal People and Nature, and approved by the PS – Socialist Party and Bloco de Esquerda.

An amendment that caught the secretary general of ACAP (Portuguese Automobile Trade Association) by surprise, Hélder Barata Pedro, where it is indicated that the Association was not heard during this process.

The most critical criticisms of this decision end up appearing through the voice of the National Association of Automotive Branches (ARAN). This association considers the PAN proposal “fundamentalist” and does not understand the government’s position. “This is a bad budget for the sector, which was terrible to guarantee its approval. This is a measure that seems to prefer an older and more polluting car park. The Government is destroying a sector to guarantee votes of support in the State Budgets for 2021 ″, said Rodrigo Ferreira da Silva, president of ARAN.

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