The ″ working group ″ has 30 days to define the entire vaccination plan


The ‘working group’ created by the Government to coordinate the entire vaccination plan against covid-19, from the vaccination strategy to the logistics operation of storage, distribution and administration of vaccines, has one month to define the entire process.

According to the dispatch published today in Diário da República, signed by the ministers of National Defense, Internal Administration and Health, this working group has a six-month mandate, renewable depending on the progress made in the operationalization of vaccination against covid- 19.

The working group has a coordination nucleus, led by former Secretary of State Francisco Ramos, which includes elements of the General Directorate of Health, Infarction and the ministries of National and Interior Defense and has the technical support of different structures.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority, the Central Administration of the Health System (ACSS), the National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge, IP (INÇA), the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health Health (SPMS) and the Hospital Common Use Service (SUCH) are the technical support entities.

The coordination unit of the working group is responsible for delivering within 30 days all the documents necessary to fully define the vaccination plan against covid-19, both from a logistical point of view (storage and distribution of the different vaccines), as well as the strategy. vaccination (identification of priority target groups, administration and clinical follow-up of results and adverse reactions).

A communication plan with the population on vaccination against covid-19 must also be defined, “in order to make information available, objectively, clearly and transparently about the process,” the order states.

It must also coordinate with the responsible bodies of the Autonomous Regions of Madeira and the Azores all the necessary aspects for the implementation of the vaccination plan against covid-19 in those regions.

“The working group can promote the hearing of relevant bodies, such as professional public associations and, when it deems it necessary, request the support of other experts or other institutions for the development of the work to be done,” adds the office.

Members who participate in the ‘working group’ do not receive any remuneration for the performance of their duties.

Last week, the prime minister revealed that Portugal was willing to buy around 16 million doses of three covid-19 vaccines, adding that Brussels is preparing to combat disinformation campaigns in relation to vaccination.

At a press conference at the end of the summit of heads of state and government on the fight against covid-19, which was held by videoconference, António Costa said that the vaccines will be distributed simultaneously in all member states and under the same conditions.

In the case of Portugal, according to António Costa, “for three of the vaccines, the doses to buy are already defined: in one 6.9 million, in another 4.6 million and, in the third, 4.5 million.”
