“That the State recovered the majority in TAP was a big mistake” – Observer


Cavaco Silva gave the interview to the Sob Escuta program, from Rádio Observador, in the office that he has as former president in Convento do Sacramento. Even during the pandemic, the former prime minister and former president of the Republic insisted on going to work every day at the office, which is not far from his home or from the two palaces (Belém and S. Bento) that he occupied in front of the Office. government and state. Say don’t miss any of the positions and that he feels removed from active politics, but leaves various criticisms of the government scored by António Costa. One of his post-presidential activities is writing books and he’s twenty-four now. “An Experience of Modern Social Democracy“It is a book edited by Porto Editora that served as a pretext for this interview.

The former President of the Republic cites “analysts” to say that the current Government “as seen” in the State Budgets for 2021 “depends on a political force that has little democracy“. It was a shot at the PCP. He says that, no matter how much he looks, he does not find any reform carried out by the Government of Costa and adds that the “the so-called return of income was initiated by Passos Coelho“. The reformist path, he argues, will only return when the PSD returns to being a government. Will Rui Rio have hands to work? He does not talk about it, because that policy would already be active. Along the same lines, he refuses to say whether he supports Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

[Veja aqui o essencial da entrevista a Aníbal Cavaco Silva:]


Cavaco Silva does not hesitate, however, to point out “big mistakes“To the socialist government in reducing from 40 to 35 hours in public service, in reversing the privatization of TAP and more: it says that”never imagined “ that Vítor Caldeira was not re-elected as president of the Court of Accounts. He rejects the comparison between André Ventura and Sá Carneiro, but does not have the “minimal doubt”That the right-wing coalition in the Azores supported by Chega is much better than the continuity of a socialist government in the region.

On the new life, which gives him more time to watch series and movies on Netflix, he has a new passion, although he does not play chess: the series Gambit de Dama and in particular the performance of the actress Anya Taylor-Joy in the role of the fictional character Beth Harmon.

[Pode ouvir aqui a entrevista ao ex-Presidente da República]

“Passos Coelho followed a reformist path”

He comes every day to work for the Convento do Sacramento. Within a radius of a few kilometers you have the Palácio S. Bento and the Palácio de Belém, all of this close to your home. Which route do you miss the most?
I come every day to work for the Convento do Sacramento, the office that was assigned to me after finishing my duties as President of the Republic. They provided me with a list of state buildings that were unoccupied and I wanted to stay close to my home, close to the Campo de Ourique neighborhood with which I am very connected and also here in the hustle and bustle of the city. I do not miss the political places that I occupied, neither the Ministry of Finance, nor the Prime Minister’s office, nor the Palace of Belém. over time and seeking to better serve the national interest.

Did you ever miss it?
No. It was 10 years as Prime Minister, 10 years as President of the Republic and at one point we felt that we needed another environment. It is another stage of our life and I felt good when I started it, it is a stage closer to my family, with more time to read, more time to watch some movies at home that were postponed to be able to travel more easily. to my Algarve, where I have a house and where I like to rest from time to time. So none, no nostalgia.
