Temido and Freitas stop being together at press conferences


It is the beginning of the end of communications to the country, on the effects of the pandemic, in the line that we have seen since March: the Minister of Health and the Director General of Health cannot share the same press conference again. At the origin of the decision are the criticisms of the members of the National Public Health Council to the format. The future is to have something “lighter”.

After several weeks, in which various specialists in Public Health and Civil Protection came to criticize the way in which such press conferences have been held, the Minister of Health has sentenced their end.

Marta Temido explained that the National Public Health Council (CNSP), an advisory body of the Government that met this Friday, pointed out the three members of the Government present [além da ministra, os seus dois secretários de Estado] and to the health authorities the “need to reformulate the communication model, with a clearer separation of technical and political lines”

The official said that the councilors, among several measures that they indicated as necessary at this time in which a second pandemic wave is taking place, defended that changes should be made in the format of the press conferences, at the risk of losing the message that was intends to convey. .

Before the first two cases of contagion, reported on March 2, press conferences were held almost daily on the plan of action of the health authorities against covid-19. Then they won daily, with the explanation of the pandemic bulletin. Only a few weeks ago they began to be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Three people are always present, in addition to the sign language interpreter: the general director of Health, Graça Freitas, or one of her deputies; the Minister of Health or one of its two Secretaries of State; and a person in charge of one of the public bodies of the sector, which as a general rule has varied between the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, through the INEM.

Temido affirmed that this model will not pass this Friday, taking into account that the Government received the call that there will be “some advantage in discontinuing what is a communication model that can be understood as excessively heavy.”

The decision of the National Council of Public Health to “also lighten this communication”, admitted the minister, who revealed “a new meeting, next week, to deepen the analysis agenda of the measures that can be taken in this very different stage “. of the first “.
