Teachers can receive a call for immunizations until Friday


Teachers, educators and employees of preschool and 1st cycle education can receive the call (via SMS) of vaccination to covid-19, scheduled for this weekend, until this Friday, confirmed the JN with the “task-force”.

The vaccination calls, through telephone calls or messages to the cell phone (SMS), began to be sent this Wednesday, they will also be sent tomorrow and “eventually” Friday, the JN confirmed with the “working group” that coordinates the vaccination plan . .

The messages inform the day, time and place where the vaccination will take place and teachers or staff must answer Yes or No.

This weekend starts the vaccination of 78,700 teachers and employees of public and private schools, preschool, 1st cycle and “Full Time School”. In the eventual commission to monitor the application of measures to respond to the pandemic, this Wednesday afternoon, in Parliament, PSD deputy Cláudia André referred to “dozens” of teachers from various districts who had not yet received the vaccination SMS.

Tiago Brandão Rodrigues responded having information that everyone will receive the SMS and that the “work group” has a series of controls to do before sending the messages, since there are teachers who have already been vaccinated because they belong to other priority groups, such as 50 years with comorbidities. Whoever does not receive the SMS “must go to the director so that the Ministry of Education is informed and transmitted”explained the minister. The schools also received information on Tuesday about this process.

Vaccination in the remaining cycles begins on day 10

The vaccination, remember, will be administered in health centers (if the universe of professionals is less than 250), in clusters (if it is between 250 and 500) or in covid-19 vaccination centers (if it is more than 500). For the weekend of April 10 and 11, the vaccination of teachers and employees of the remaining cycles is scheduled, and the process can be extended to April 17 and 18 “if necessary”, and the “working group” expects complete approximately 280 thousand professionals in April.

The deputy of the CDS, Ana Rita Bessa, asked the Minister of Education if there will be consequences, in terms of permanence in the face-to-face regime, for those who refuse to be vaccinated. Tiago Brandão Rodrigues stressed that immunization is optional and not mandatory. However, “it is absolutely critical to achieving group immunity,” he argued, calling on teachers not to hesitate and seize the opportunity.
