Teachers at risk cannot telecommute and will be replaced weekly


The Ministry of Health created a space on the schools’ human resources platform (SIGHRE) so that principals can designate teachers who belong to groups at risk and need to be replaced. The new mechanism was communicated yesterday by the General Directorate of School Administration, according to “Jornal de Notícias”.

In this model, principals must communicate vacancies (leaving a teacher from the risk group) on Tuesdays, and the substitute teacher is placed on Friday. If you accept the position, you will be present at the school the following Tuesday. Thus, explained the association of directors ANDE to the “JN”, the substitutions will take place within a week – but that does not solve the problem of the lack of teachers in many disciplines and areas of the country, they warn.

Teachers at risk of covid-19 will not be able to perform their functions in teleworking, explained the Undersecretary of State and Education, João Costa. in a debate promoted by “Public”. That is, like the rest of public servants, they will have to be discharged, receiving their salary only for the first 30 days, after that, the absences will continue to be justified but they will no longer receive.

“If my role is compatible with remote work, then I can develop it, if my role is incompatible, then I have to leave a doctor,” said João Costa, highlighting that the new school year will begin in person. .
