Tax payment deadline ends today


With August almost ending, there are also some deadlines to settle accounts with the tax authorities. At the end of today, taxpayers must pay the IRS for 2019 and it is also the day to pay the second installment of IMI.

If you have to pay the IRS or IMI, don’t forget. Otherwise, you can pay fines.

IRS and IMI: Tax deadline ends today

IRS: Payment of the total or first installment

Taxpayers with IRS payable in relation to the income accrued in 2019 have until this Monday to settle the entire tax or the first installment if they have adhered to this modality.

The IRS Code establishes that when taxpayers have to return income tax to the State, they must do so before August 31, according to the latest official data available, of the more than 5.8 million IRS returns filed. this year, about a million resulted in a collector's note, reveals Lusa.

According to data provided by the Undersecretary of State for Tax Affairs, António Mendonça Mendes, during a hearing in parliament in mid-July, of the 5.3 million IRS returns settled to date, 1.6 million had a result null (with no place for payment or reimbursement) around one million resulted in a collection note and 2,569 thousand in reimbursement.

Second installment of IMI

The Municipal Property Tax (IMI) rates are set annually by the Municipalities of the area where the buildings are located. IMI payment can be made in full or in installments.

If the value is less than 100 euros, it corresponds to a single payment (to be made in May). If the value is between 100 and 500 euros, then the payment can be made in two stages, during the months of May and November. If the payment was more than 500 euros, the IMI can be paid three times (May, until August and November). Today ends the term of payment of the second installment.

How to pay IMI (via MB WAY)

To make the IMI payment, taxpayers should go to their personal area on the website of the Guarantee and then go to Payments.

IMI: Today the payment of the second installment begins

Then just click on the option Past Payments

IMI: Today the payment of the second installment begins

The next step is to press Pay.

Finally, they must enter the phone number associated with MB WAY and then proceed with the payment. Simple, fast and without the complications of making a payment for services.
