TAP returns to voar com 71 broken from Lisbon and só três do Porto


A TAP will resume its activities – interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic – with 71 broken ones starting from the Aeroporto Humberto Delgado, in Lisbon, and with just three departures from the Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro.

O Porto terá, aliás, submit mais um voo do que o planned for o Ponta Delgada airport, we Açores. A disparity of the number of broken verified in the Lisbon and Porto airport infrastructures will be found, soube or JN, of a document prepared by the Portuguese airline company that defines, for this year, a reduction of 63% two flights with origin no Sa Carneiro.

Such plan confirms the misgivings evidenced, over the past two days, by Rui Moreira, president of Câmara do Porto, and Nuno Botelho, leader of the Associação Comercial do Porto.

Reservations available

The information was revealed, on the 5th of February, by two specialized sites. To Presstur, a news agency on travel and tourism, he announced that to TAP “we have no reservation systems for a” lack of confidence “calendar for its operations between May 18 and July 4”. A map that confirms routesonline included 71 routes from Lisbon, among which are links to the Portuguese capital, Nova Jérsia (United States), São Vicente (Cape Verde), Belo Horizonte (Brazil) or Toronto (Canada).

I will be leaving from Porto Chegarão only to three destinations: Funchal, London (England) and Paris (França). Or the Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport will make available, in the next three months, as soon as it is broken, or the Ponta Delgada airport, from where it will leave planes for Boston (United States) and Toronto.

Get aerial more curta

A document prepared by the TAP responds before a less expressive return to the Porto airport, compared to or from Lisbon. Nessa projeção, apurou or JN, the 16 destinations that vigoraram em 2019 passavam to six em 2020. Or what means a reduction of 63% no number of voos com origem no Porto. Onze cities, between Madrid, Munique, Geneve, Luxemburg ou São Paulo, deixam de ter ligação aerial direta com o Porto. Já os voos entre Porto e Funchal sofrem 50% reduction. I know, not last year, there were seven weeks to Nova Iorque from Sá Carneiro, now it will hardly be possible on three days a week.

Also, to get air between Porto and Lisbon, you will have to soften a 50% quasi failure, making six daily payments on the two that were registered in 2019. This is the case that the links to Paris and London will return to the previous values ​​in crisis. caused by the Covid-19 pandemic that closed the airports.

Confronted with JN hair, TAP did not respond to questões placed. Or the same fez or Ministério das Infraestruturas e da Habitação.

Or Rui Moreira, an autarch from Puerto Rico, also preferred to wait for the official announcement of these dice, but Nuno Botelho said that, “to be confirmed, he has not found any suspense that he never did.” “It is a concern,” he assumes, relatively to the treatment given to the North.
