TAP. Pilots’ Union accuses the Government of “clear violation” of the Constitution – Jornal Economico


The Civil Aviation Pilots Union (SPAC) today accused the Government of violating the Constitution for having decided “unilaterally” to suspend the TAP company agreements, which it considers a “risky and socially irresponsible initiative”.

“After a simulation of negotiation before the presentation of the restructuring plan of the TAP Group in Brussels, the Government is now taking a unilateral decision, without consulting the workers’ representatives, in clear violation of the Constitution,” said SPAC, in a statement to partners. highlighting that the Government “prefers to use instruments of pressure on the pilots than to carry out an effective negotiation in good faith.”

Thus, “anticipating this position”, SPAC management reported having presented to TAP on Tuesday “a proposal for an emergency agreement for partial suspension and partial modification of the Company Agreement (of TAP SA), with a view to granting the start of a negotiation process that is an alternative to the risky and socially irresponsible initiative of the Government, materialized in the aforementioned Resolution of the Council of Ministers ”.

The Council of Ministers approved on Tuesday a resolution declaring TAP, Portugália and Cateringpor, the catering company of the TAP group, in “a difficult economic situation.”

“These companies are thus attributed the effects provided for in the legislation, namely, the change in working conditions and the non-application or suspension, in whole or in part, of the clauses of the social agreements or the applicable collective regulation instruments. , with the establishment of the respective substitute regime, ”said the Government in a statement.

In communications to the members, to which Lusa had access, the SPAC considered that the resolution of the Council of Ministers “is wounded by various unconstitutionalities and illegalities” and, in that sense, guarantees that it will resort “to all judicial and extrajudicial means of defending”. the Rule of Law and the Basic Law ”.

In the opinion of the union that represents the pilots of the aircraft carrier, “the Government chose the most difficult route to solve the serious problems of the TAP group”, thus becoming “responsible for the consequences of this election.”

Still, SPAC said it remains available to negotiate structural solutions for TAP, hoping “common sense” will make it possible.

“Until then, we will react by all means at our disposal to this attack on the rights of pilots, especially the audience of their representative structures and collective bargaining and contracting,” he reiterated.

TAP’s restructuring plan, delivered in Brussels this month, provides for the suspension of the corporate agreements, a measure without which, according to the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Pedro Nuno Santos, it would not be possible to restructure TAP.

TAP’s restructuring plan to the European Commission, delivered to the European Commission, provides for the dismissal of 500 pilots, 750 cabin crew, 450 maintenance and engineering workers and 250 from the remaining areas.

The plan also provides for a 25% reduction in the group’s payroll (30% in the case of legal entities) and in the number of aircraft that make up the company’s fleet, from 108 to 88 commercial aircraft.
