TAP pilots deliver precautionary measure to see information that supports dismissals – O Jornal Económico


The document, to which Lusa had access, was sent to the Lisbon District Court, Lisbon Labor Court, and requires a common precautionary measure, alleging that no relevant information was provided about TAP’s restructuring plan, that the company It must be presented to the European Commission before December 10.

SPAC recalls, in this precautionary measure, that, due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, the airline “was subject to state support, in the form of a loan” notified to the European Commission and that the restructuring process “consequence” of this support.

The union also reported on several requests it made to the company and the guardianship for access to more information, as well as two meetings to which it was summoned, in which “no information was given,” that is, about the reduction of personnel .

In a third meeting with the airline’s Board of Directors, on November 27, SPAC was informed, according to the document, that the plan “contemplated salary cuts of at least 25% in TAP – Transportes Aéreos Portugueses, SA, with the intention of to achieve an annual reduction in the wage bill between 230 and 352 million euros “and that in the same process the” dismissal of 500 pilots “was contemplated.

In the same context, according to the union, the plan contemplates “the immediate reduction of TAP’s fleet” to “88 passenger aircraft and two cargo aircraft, which could, in the future, become passenger transport.”

SPAC questions the assumptions of the evaluation that led to these conclusions, stating that “they are not aligned with elements that have already been verified, such as the start of the European vaccination against covid-19” from “between December 2020 and January 2021 “and complaining it is stated that” no financial assumptions have been made to support the reported restructuring measures. “

According to the union, “it was not possible, despite the information presented in a ‘powerpoint’ (not distributed to those present, with the allegation that the information was reserved), to understand the justification and economic-financial rationality of the measures of reported restructuring, because it was not presented, despite the questions formulated by SPAC in the sense of detecting and densifying this logic and rationality ”.

SPAC also says that “in contradiction, TAP was unable to present even the operational and financial assumptions related to this proposal,” having been “unable to justify the option of reducing TAP’s flight personnel, while guaranteeing the Transportation of TAP passengers through third party subcontracting ”.

The union also says that “absolutely no data was presented on the evolution of the balance of the economic-financial situation of the company for the period of the plan, so it is strictly impossible to evaluate the economic justification of the proposals presented, their necessity, adequacy and proportionality ”.

Thus, among the information required by SPAC, there are the “powerpoint documents” presented in the meetings held with the applicant on November 12 and 27 “and information on economic and financial projections of the companies TAP, SGPS, SA, TAP , SA and Portugália. , SA “for the period 2020-2025”.

SPAC also wants details of the evolution of the fleet of each company, year by year, and the activity assumptions used in the projections for each company, as well as various details about the contracting of Portugália to perform flights sold by TAP.

In the document, the union also says that it wants to have access to “information on the forecast of evolution, in the period 2021-2025, of the workforce of TP SA and Portugália, broken down by categories and functions” and the respective salaries.

SPAC requests that the group be sentenced to “pay a fine of 5,000 euros for each day of delay in delivering the referred information.”
