“Taken absolutely contrary to democracy.” Ana Gomes says it is “ridiculous”, fine Ventura and criticizes the institutions – OR …


Presidential candidate Ana Gomes considered this Thursday “Ridiculous” the fine imposed on “a deputy” who had “Again taken absolutely against democracy”, alluding to the fine imposed on the president of Chega, André Ventura.

After a meeting with the rector of the University of Évora, Ana Costa Freitas, included in her visit to the city this Thursday, the candidate for the Presidency of the Republic told the Lusa agency that it was “very interesting” that 1,500 of The approximately 7,500 students of the academics are foreigners and they related this data to the national political panorama.

“This is an extraordinary wealth for the country, but it is also an extraordinary responsibility, especially at a time when we see racist and xenophobic forces encouraged by the inaction of the main officials of the country’s democratic institutions, ”said Ana Gomes.

According to the socialist activist and former MEP, those responsible for democratic institutions “cannot compromise with complacent strategies in in relation to racist and xenophobic forces prohibited by the Constitution ”of the Portuguese Republic (CRP).

“Actually, I mean a decision from yesterday [na quarta-feira] of a ridiculously good applied in relation to a deputy who allowed himself, once again, to have shots that are absolutely contrary to democracy ”, he clarified.

me “Contrary to the duties of political parties in PortugalUnder the terms of Article 10 no. 2 of the Constitution, to submit to and respect political democracy “, as well as” totally contrary to article 46 no. 4 “of the CDP,” which prohibits racist organizations and demonstrations, “he stressed.

Without ever saying the name of the president and only Chega candidate, Ana Gomes referred to André Ventura, who was notified, on Wednesday, of a fine of 438.81 euros for discriminating against Roma, due to a publication in August on the social network Facebook, of the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination (CICDR).

The presidential candidate can still be heard or let the process run to the Public Ministry, who will or will not present an accusation. In the worst case, a crime of racial discrimination is at stake, with a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

Ana Gomes explained that, with her criticisms, she wants to cover “All kinds of institutions, namely, the Public Ministry and the Constitutional Court, which legalized a party “like Chega”, although he, in his purposes, clearly questions the objectives of political democracy. “

We are talking about a Public Ministry in the Constitutional Court that does not act in the face of repeated expressions of incitement to hatred, violence, xenophobia, racism, which are absolutely intolerable to the constitutional order, “he accused.

According to the presidential candidate, “it is not possible that all the institutions of the democratic system anchored in the constitutional system” of Portugal “Keep whistling in the air and do not assume your responsibilities to prevent this from happening again and to be replicated, manifested and normalized ”.

During Thursday’s visit to the city of Alentejo, in addition to the meeting at the university, Ana Gomes met with officials from the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training and the Hospital of Espírito Santo in Évora.
